Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Prolonging Perennial Color

Happy 4th of July to all. Just like the fireworks that brighten and color the night sky your perennials do the same to your landscape.

You may want to know if there is a way to prolong the flowering period, well there is for some of the perennials in your garden and the answer is at your fingertips. Depending on the type of perennials you have, you can either pinch the spent flower off the plant or cut it off.

This will fool the perennial into producing new flowers instead of going to seed which is the natural progression of most perennials.

Here are some useful websites you can visit: www.perennials.com, www.westongardens.com, http://www.flower-gardening-made-easy.com/deadheading.html

Go now and prolong the color in your garden.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hello to all!

This is a great and colorful time of year. The landscape is alive with purples, yellows, pinks, whites etc...

One of my favorite plants bursting with color are the Knock Out Roses. Why do I love these roses in particular? I don't have the time nor the patience to maintain the roses that my grandmother use to have in her garden.

These roses are disease resistant, and low maintenance. I do not have to go and dead head the spent buds, new flowers push straight pass the spent buds. They also are somewhat drought tolerant after they become established.

That is not to say that other roses are not worth planting but depending on the type you decide to plant make sure you have the time and knowledge to maintain other roses.

Here are some sites that you can take a look at:

Enjoy your gardens!